China retaliates for US tariffs with hikes on US goods

China Sunday announced new tariffs on up to $3bn of US goods in retaliation for the duties the US has slapped on Chinese aluminum and steel. Amid the spat between the world’s two largest economies, the Global Times, a mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party, warned, “American politicians better realize sooner rather than later that China would never submit if the US launched a trade war.”


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5 thoughts on “China retaliates for US tariffs with hikes on US goods

  • Apr 2, 2018 @ 17:21 at 17:21

    Nice one China!!!
    Teach the moraless manipulating bully a leson!!!

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 0:14 at 0:14

    China threatening US is like the dog that bites its masters hand, it wouldn’t be good for them. They are using the scare tactics to see who will flinch first.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 1:16 at 1:16

    Trump has won and here is why: The Chinese, who till recently have played a smart game to win by not involving themselves in anything that does not build their economy or advance their Communist State agenda, are now thrown off their game.

    They will no longer go unnoticed if they try to use industrial espionage, steal Western technology, buy companies in the West to steal advancements and the hard research carried out by others than the Chinese, and make deals that only benefit China.

    Now they are in the big leagues and they will not have the status of third world entity looking for free handouts from unsuspecting helpers who they have used and then compete on an uneven playing field always to their advantage.

    Yes, we will have to pay more for better-made things in America or elsewhere but the days of the Chinese dictatorship getting rich off the backs of their proletariat and through stealing are almost over if we are vigilant and watchful of their tactics. The Chinese never really help anyone other than the Chinese but they sometimes help or bribe others if only to get their resources.

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 12:12 at 12:12

    I think that this is going to be a down and dirty show down. Xi is testing Trump’s resolve in case China decides to attack militarily. A screeching halt to Chinese imports hurts them a lot more than us; and long term it would be good for us by “Made in the USA”

  • Apr 3, 2018 @ 18:42 at 18:42

    Who’s eating @ a Chinese restaurant, even if a take out, is anti-american. No real patriot would eat Chinese starting this April. Why, shawarma and shish kebab, are not tasty and exceedingly full of vitamins???


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