Iran’s Gen. Soleimeini to speak at Hamas event
Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief of “external operations,” plans to address by video a Hamas event in the Gaza Strip Thursday evening. At the event, to be staged simultaneously in Gaza and Tehran, Hamas will read out the names of leading American and Israeli figures and list them as “terrorists.” DEBKAfile reports that the event was called off at the last minute without explanation.
Tic Toc. Wars and rumors of wars. And the long foreseen conflict between Israel and Persia is at hand. The only this missing is the MASSIVE earthquake (Ezekiel 38:19-20) which will change everything instantly.
Can anyone deny the dramatic timing of the lunar eclipse – planetary alignments on July 27?
Next time Soleimeini is on the Syrian border, Israel should assassinate him,
Jdams, preempt with Jdams.
Surrveil with all-source intel collection, then when all terrorist eggs are in one basket, JDAM JDAM JDAM the event.
It’s Jeremiah 49:34-39, Joshua 13, Isaiah 11:14, Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49:23-27, Ezekiel 28:24-26 and Psalm 83 which occur first, and not necessarily in this order, but in rapid sequence nonetheless, like a flood per Gabriel in Daniel 9:24-27.
Ezekiel 38/39 comes a little while later, then Israel’s 70th Week begins.
You are correct sir.
The stench of fear is oozing from the Mullahs of Tehran now desperate and forced to activate their proxies . Putin is well bedded in Assad’s Syria and has no more use for any other party in the locality. Iran will now get what is long overdue and coming toute suite
It’s Jeremiah 49:34-39, Joshua 13, Isaiah 11:14, Isaiah 17, Jeremiah 49:23-27, Ezekiel 28:24-26 and Psalm 83 which occur first, and not necessarily in this order, but in rapid sequence nonetheless, like a flood per Gabriel in Daniel 9:24-27.
Ezekiel 38/39 comes a little while later, then Israel’s 70th Week begins.
Mr Soleimeili will speak farsi as he doesn’t speak Arabicvand can’t speak Trump’s language. There will be Miss communication I predict.
And yes could be caboom at the end of his beautiful speech. I hope.
the adepts of the religion of peace have away to communicate between them,with the blood coming out of their dogs’mouths
little Goebbels of Iran,
poopoo caca not guardsman!
you looking afar for terror,
why not better use a mirror?
hey you little prik
take a good long peek
but you have to brace
that ass is yo face!
Yer a poet
And ya don’t know it,
But yer feet show it –
They’re long fellows….
big feet, big cnt
red hat, no drawers
build a condo on yer nose
after all, it’s yours
‘… names of leading American and Israeli figures and list them as “terrorists.”’ Another pathetic attempt of terrorists to twist the facts and to portray themselves as the “good” guys. Hamas and co are terrorists and everybody knows it. Also a well known fact is that terrorists use civillians as human shields and are the only one to blame for their deaths.
called off at the ‘last moment”? Interesting. Has to make one think what the phone call from Moscow to Tehran had to say after the meeting yesterday between Putin and Trump. What is even more interesting to me is wonder who answer the phone call and who was the call placed to? The Iranian General has been to Moscow several times. Is he the one the Russians are counting on?