Israel mulling benefits, risks of cyber technology exports

The Israeli government is consulting with the country's academic, business and technology sectors before setting its parameters for "dual use" cyber exports, considering the economic and other benefits of exporting cyber technology along with the risks of exposing technologies used by the country's intelligence and security services,
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu met with senior figures from the cyber technology industry to hear their opinions on the matter. He said Israel faces serious cyber threats that could paralyze the country, and that the government wants as few limitations and as much security as possible in the field. Dr. Eviatar Matania, head of the National Cyber Bureau, said the government is examining ways of supervising exports and that its main goal is to ensure the continued prosperity of the industry. He added that exports would be limited in the fields of vulnerability protection, advanced forensics programs, malware and defense of critical infrastructure.
The government will be accepting feedback from the country's cyber industry regarding the export guidelines until March 3rd. 

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