Israel’s covid-19 death toll – 51. Sadetzky: Peak still ahead

The Health Ministry reported 51 dead of the coronavirus early Monday, with 8.611 confirmed positive including 141 in serious condition. The ultra-religious are the worst hit.  Ministry’s public health director Prof. Sigal Sadetzky said in a radio interview that the covid-19 infections have yet to reach their peak level, although “We have managed to slow the spread of the pandemic and are working on an exit strategy” (from the current tight restrictions to normal conditions.) Despite rampant economic hardship, Sadetzky called for public patience,  because this will be a process that could take two to three months. Israel is conducting 8,000 tests per day, which she said was a world record.
A plane landed on Monday laden with a stock of protective gear for medical teams. Another is on the way with a supply of respirators.

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