Maj.-Gen Hertzi Halevy named IDF Dep Chief of Staff
Head of the IDF Southern Command and former Chief of Military Intelligence and the Paratroop Brigade, Maj. Gen. Herzi Halevi was named Dep. Chief of Staff on Monday by Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi. Defense Minister Benny Gantz, in approving the appointment, cited Halevi’s “long and profound experience and excellent record” in command duties in all parts of the military service.
Halevi gained a BA in philosophy and Business Administration at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and his MA in National Resources Management at the National Defense University in Washington DC. His current service in the past two years at the head of the IDF’s southern command covers oversight of the volatile Gaza Strip. His new appointment makes Halevi frontrunner for the next IDF chief of staff.
Born in Jerusalem 53 years ago. Halevi was named for an uncle who fell in the Six-Day War shortly before he was born. He is married with four children.