Netanyahu and right-wing camp widen lead 3 days before election
In the last poll before Israel’s general election next Monday, Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud (35 seats) continued to pull ahead of the Benny Gantz’s opposition Kahol Lavan (33 seats), following the trend of the past week. In Friday’s poll, the right-wing camp canvassed 58 seats, three short of a majority, compared with the 56 polled by the opposition left-of-center. Still, neither camp would command a bloc large enough to form a majority government after Israel’s third election in a year and so a fourth election is not ruled out. In answer to another question, Netanyahu garnered 58pc of the sampling for the candidate best suited to be prime minister, well ahead of Gantz’s 32pc.
Isn’t this amazing that Arab Israelis would happily vote Gantz only for to see Netanyahu defeated?
But why is this, why?
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The nation of Israel is much too smart – to vote a mouse-gray mediocrity Ganz into the office…
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Gantz The Schwantz and his three stooges are a disaster!
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