Rona Ramon, widow of Israeli astronaut, is dead at 54
Rona was the widow of Ilan Ramon, Israel’s first and only astronaut, who died in 2002 when the Columbia space shuttle re-entered earth after completing its mission in space. Six years after his death, their eldest son, Assaf, was killed in a military plane crash. He had followed in his father’s footsteps to become an IAF fighter pilot. Rona established a foundation in memory of her husband and son and gave counsel to others who were coping with tragedies. She is survived by three children.
reach for the stars
When you think of Ilan Ramon, keep in mind he was lucky to see Israel from above, and right near the sinister weird Lebanon. But future astronauts will see no Lebanon at all.
Except if the Lebanon government present excuses for the tunnels, pays compensations, and promises in UNGA disarming the border under IDF inspection watch, who knows?
Survival depends of a good satisfactory decision.
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