Some 40,000 Palestinians riot at Gaza fence Sat. afternoon
By Saturday afternoon, some 40,000 Palestinians had assembled for a mass disturbance at five points along the Gaza-Israeli border fence, throwing firebombs, grenades, burning tires and rockets at IDF troops. One Palestinian was killed and 59 injured, including two in critical condition, from IDF crowd dispersal measures and return fire.
Do these bone-headed terrorists really think they will gain anything by following a “religion” that says they must conquer non-believers and then carry out terrorism fed to them with their mother’s milk?
If the really hate Jews and mankind that much, then they should move to a place far, far away and as soon as possible.
I have no sympathy for people who act like violent children over-and-over again. I have no time for people who side with them, defend them and then find themselves victims of those they have defended in places like the EU, Egypt, Africa and now America.
And now… (drum roll)…..for the “victory march” by the “heroic” two-legged Gaza rats.
This particular rodent sub-species is vastly inferior to their four-legged brethren – at least these abandon a sinking ship…
155 mm white phosphorus would enlighten they……..
opps them….
another “pieceful” protest, the terrorist end up in pieces