Trump: Saudis agree to increase oil production

President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Saturday that Saudi Arabia’s King Salman had agreed to his request to increase oil production “maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels” to offset production from Iran and Venezuela. Their phone call was reported by Saudi state media, without however specifying by how many barrels Saudi production would rise. DEBKAfile: Riyadh has avoided commitment itself to a specific amount and left its options open.

The Trump administration is pushing countries to stop all their oil imports from Iran from November as part of the next round of US sanctions to be re-imposed against Tehran.


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13 thoughts on “Trump: Saudis agree to increase oil production

  • Jun 30, 2018 @ 22:09 at 22:09

    How many Trumps takes to make one great America?
    The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind
    A mandate one needs, but two would be kind!

    Always keep an eye on your cheese Mickey!

    • Jul 1, 2018 @ 0:02 at 0:02

      you’re no fckng Shake spear, jew bollocks.

      Never, Iago. Like to the Pontick Sea,
      Whose icy current and compulsive course
      Ne’er feels retiring ebb, but keeps due on
      To the Propontic and the Hellespont,
      Even so my bloody thoughts, with violent pace,
      Shall ne’er look back, ne’er ebb to humble love,
      Till that a capable and wide revenge
      Swallow them up……

      At mare Mediterraneum, quod est sinuum maximus, et hujus partes Tyrrahenum, Pontus, et Propontis, et similiter mare Balticum, quae omnia reflectunt ad orientem, destituuntur fere,et fluxus habent imbeccillos.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 2:53 at 2:53

    In the mean time Palestinians must increase the rate of liberating the Occupied Territories of Gaza and West Bank. America will soon came up with a good and last Peace Plan to impose on the Palestinians, already approved by all concerned powers, including Israel.

    This way their decision is simple because not being ever a state they do not have the capabilities, the democratic environment and way of thinking needed to represent themselves and make a sound decision, fact absolutely true and verified along their 70 years old history as a people.

    If they continue to refuse a fine peace, like they did all along these over 70 years, then eviction from the Occupied Territories Gaza and West Bank comes like an absolute must.

    Abbas must make a decision: leave in honor, order, with money, and a handshake, or give up all the lands and be thrown out with only his prick in his hand.

    • Jul 1, 2018 @ 3:18 at 3:18

      Very well said!

      Let us consider a little the extermination of Christians in Ramallah, the city the fake Palestinian “people” occupy by force even today? This was a Christian city, nothing to do with fake Palestinian “people”.

      Still, not only the fake Palestinian “people” occupy with no rights this city, but they made sort of their capital out of it. In order to desecrate the occupied city to the max, they keep in there the bones of the biggest Palestinian criminal terrorist ever Yasser Arafat.

      • Jul 1, 2018 @ 3:42 at 3:42

        Dr. Ashraf al-Kurdi, Arafat’s personal physician, repeatedly said he knows Arafat death was because of AIDS. But he was a terrible terrible infection mainly in his way of thinking. The biggest lie ever “Palestinian people” first came from his sick brain.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 3:29 at 3:29

    Trump’s final solution to the Palestian problem: Expulsion to an island to be built in the sea 25 km from Gaza where it can’t be seen. To make it feel like home, it will be surrounded by a high wall and there will be a huge scuplture of Al Aqsa in the middle. They will be given mortars and rockets that fly only 10 km so that they can’t damage anything but it will feel good anyway. Entertainment will be arranged every Friday where they can fly fiery kites and scream “Death to America, Death to Israel” until they are hoarse. For the homey feel they will have electricity only from 23:00 till 03:00 daily. Garbage and faeces will be dumped in the sea around them so that they get the sentimental smell of home, sweet home. They will have suburbs named Jenin, Ramallah etc and their area where their headquarters is situated will be called Quds, the Eternal Capital. So, finally they will have everything they ever wanted except no Sea Port. That will be conditional upon Cyprus and the Cypriots are not keen at this stage of taking on any problems. Abbas and Erekat will henceforth be called Dhanbad and Shmerekat. Additionally anyone wanting 72 blond virgins will be given a suicide belt and a mock Jewish restaurant where they can blow themselves up. This martyrdom will be encouraged starting with children age 3. The expectation is that within 5 years they will all have blown themselves up to pieces. The island will then be turned into a recreation park for Israeli soldiers on vacation. All the Arab states and Israel agree on this. Abbas would be a fool to give up this wonderful opportunity because the alternative is too ghastly to contemplate: continued victimhood and “occupation.’

    • Jul 1, 2018 @ 3:55 at 3:55

      Oh, but this is a huge business opportunity. Imagine an aviation company, short 1 hour flights nonstop tour retour to a Mediterranean shore, 200 euros the ticket, with amenities to shit from above the island. The list of reservations will be taken for years upfront.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 10:15 at 10:15

    excellent news. this will become a fiasco for the dirty iranians.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 13:17 at 13:17

    Sanctions will be a blessing for Iran. It will become more independent in all aspects and nuclear armed. Thank you Mr. Trump

    • Jul 1, 2018 @ 15:19 at 15:19

      Your assertions are difficult for me to credit as being correct.

      Iran’s rulers have made it very clear that they are upset about the sanctions. It seems unlikely that they would be upset if the Iranian rulers thought the sanctions would be a blessing and would make them more independent and armed with nuclear weapons.

      Also, you would seem to be calling the Iranian leaders liars. The Iranian government has repeatedly claimed that they do not want nuclear weapons and that their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only and not for nuclear weapons. I would agree with you that they are/were lying, but it is interesting that you believe they are/were lying.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 15:14 at 15:14

    This story is good political news, but it is not at all clear to me that there is any real substance there.

    There were already reports that Saudi Arabia in negotiations with Russia had already agreed to increase production by 1-1.5 million barrels per day.

    If the previous reports were true, then Saudi Arabia may have merely told Trump that they were going to do what they’d already agreed to do in their negotiations with Russia.

    It’s possible that Saudi Arabia agreed to produce more than they’d previously agreed, but the report from Trump does not make that clear.

  • Jul 1, 2018 @ 18:48 at 18:48

    The Saudis didn’t promise as much as orange man thinks or says they have..

  • Jul 2, 2018 @ 16:40 at 16:40



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