US-backed Syrian forces mass near Daraa to ease pressure on Eastern Ghouta
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Jaysh al-Islam and the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) are massing troops near the southern Syrian town of Daraa on the Jordanian border. They are gearing up for an offensive against the Syrian government and pro-Iranian Shiite militias holding the town. They next aim to cut the Daraa-Damascus highway and open a second front in order to force Assad’s army and his allies to detach military strength from the East Ghouta battle. The Syrian army has seized some 60 percent of the embattled province east of Damascus from rebel hands, killing more than a thousand civilians.
Go SAA !! Pulverise the regime change terrorists!!
You mean United states helps jeyshol islam? A alqaeeda terrorist organization?!
This is the real face of American and jews
We see your face in a pile dog shiite.
your face is the face of a son of 60.000 whores and muslim pigs
alah the satan and muhammad the great pig pedophile killer will decide alah akbar and Salman Rushdie’s book Satanic Verses in teheran satan
I like your name, but I don’t like your comment. Can you change your name, please?
can you go to hell please
Good chance for the Russian Air force and S-400 to shot down US planes, if they get involved, if not this action could be a big defeat for the US backed Syrian forces.
Russia has one Aircraft Carrier, and one BattleShip, the US has 11 Carrier and 400 Naval Ships.
Close to 7 Thousand Aircraft, and has been in war for the last 17 years.
Our Military Command and Control Structure communication wise is 20 years ahead of
Russia. Mess with the US and you will get your ass handed to you.
Look back two weeks ago when Iran’s Hesbholla and Russian Mercenaries thought
they would just throw up a bridge and go charging towards where the Americans
were with No Air Support, or artillery. They got Shredded in 30 seconds.
Do not be fooled. S-400 is for specific purpose only.
Russia will not be drawn to use it beside this. That will be escalation to the next level.
US helping terrorists?
How can they ? They are the terrorists.
A line has been drawn in the sand surrounding de-confection zones. Russia has it bases in the middle east, Iran haven’t achieve its goal of hegemony, and want as long as the Americans are in the way, there will not be a military victory for Assad but the door is open for a political end to this civil war.
Well said Solomeo!! The truth allways hurts!!
History repeats , but…… this time is for the benefit of Jewish nation .
“God bless ISRAEL” , “God bless the Jewish people “