US and Israeli air defense batteries in position for joint exercise
The Israeli military spokesman announced Thursday that US and Israel air defense batteries had been arrayed ready for the operational phase of their joint Juniper Cobra 2018 exercise to begin next week. The two armies will practice the interception of hostile missiles incoming from different directions, including Iran. This year’s joint war game is the largest held so far, with the participation of 2,500 US servicemen and the same number of IDF soldiers. Hizballah is reported by Lebanese sources to have declared a military emergency and ordered a general army call-up in case the US-Israel exercise turns into an real attack.
so basically syria is f’d
“F” Syria, Hezbollah and Iran too! If they start any shit as anticipated in April or May, they will have brought it upon themselves. Nuke ’em til they glow, then shoot ’em in the dark!
Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!
Marg Bar Diktator!
Love that Beach Boys song!
dude take a breath
So Hezbollah has made a general call up,maybe they want to attack israel first.
Bad move Nasrallah,you kill one US soldier and you will become a hasbeen and the whole of the lebanon.
Then Russia will toast all your bagels at same time
You mean like in 1982? …
Israel, Jordan the US and Saudi Arabia is more than Iran wants to tangle with.
There could be a Scenario where they take the whole top of Syria and keep it for the kurds.
Russia does not have the troops, logistics or the Money to support a full on Ground War.
Israel could call up 2 Million troops, the US has been training Special forces in Jordan for two years.
When the US pulled out of Iraq, they moved the Ammunition and Equipment to Istrael.
We need some practice shooting down the SU-57’s.
Bring them on, Iran….uh…I mean Russia.
Yes, it’s all nice and comely, and probably useful for training of the forces, however in case of the real war the time count will be going in hours, may be a couple of days. The US simply won’t have time to transport and deploy forces on positions in Israel. Of course if we assume that there won’t be dizering on behalf of the US to fulfill it’s alliance obligations. Somehow I suspect that with the president other than Trump there will be a lot of grandiloquence and hot air, but not too many actions. Israel; would better don’t count on the US.
Like two weeks ago when they tried to build a bridge and cross over towards the American Position and we killed almost 200 Russian Merks. Yes, they were very indecisive. Trump has given decisive control to the general in Charge of the are, because of timing. Get your facts straight.
Now the Mideast war can begin !.