New Trump sanctions on Iran target Ayatollah Khamenei
New, “hard-hitting” US sanctions deny Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his office access to key financial resources under an executive order signed Monday, June 24 by President Donald Trump in response to the downing of a US drone last week.
“We will continue to increase pressure on Tehran, until the regime abandons its dangerous activities” including its nuclear ambitions, Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “We do not seek conflict with Iran or any other country,” Trump added. “I can only tell you we cannot ever let Iran have a nuclear weapon.”
Khamenei’s assets are targeted by the new measures for the first time in a major escalation of the Trump campaign against the Islamic republic’s leadership. The president said Iran’s supreme leader was responsible for “the hostile conduct of the regime” and the sanctions will deny him “access to key financial resources and support. Never can Iran have a nuclear weapon,” Trump said.
Also targeted are military leaders who ordered the shooting down the US drone, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin disclosed. He said that Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif would be sanctioned later this week. Answering questions about the effectiveness of the sanctions, the Treasury Secretary said: “We’ve literally locked up tens and tens of billions of dollars,” he said: “These sanctions are highly effective.”
DEBKAfile’s sources report that the supreme ruler’s “office,” which is situated in a separate, fortified quarter of northern Tehran, is unlike the bureau of any ruling figure in the world. The omnipotent ayatollah commands a private militia and intelligence agency, which are outside the jurisdiction of any other arm of government. The budgetary and financial assets at his disposal and of the heads of bodies operating in his “office” are separate from all over governing mechanisms in the county, including even the Revolutionary Guards autonomous economic empire.
Khamenei’s “key financial resources” are believed to be kept in a secret fund and run into tens of billions of dollars If the US gained access to this most closely held secret of the supreme ruler’s “office” and can lock their access to their key financial resources, American intelligence has pulled off an extraordinary coup.
Clamping sanctions down on Ayatollah Khamenei is more than a personal affront: it is a demeaning assault on his honor. Now that the two leaders of the US and Iran have taken off the gloves and entered into a personal duel, the standoff between their two countries is likely to gain in violence.
Good!! Shut the Ayatowelhead down. Should have done it years ago, right after Obama sent him billions in cash.
“US President Donald Trump has said he is imposing hard-hitting new sanctions on Iran, including on the office of the country’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.”
Why me, don’t you know I’m the most innocent ayatollah ever?
How do I get now caviar for me and my guards, huh?
Starting with today I’ll eat a lot more fried white doves, as a sign of love for peace and high hopes for a Shia Empire.
Are you an American? If you are then you are with the white trash redneck group.
That’s 50% of the US population.
Trump named iran’s revolutionary guards as a terrorist group, but didn’t attack them because 150 people of them might died. This is a sad joke
Its not a joke ; If 150 of them die , there will be no Americans left in the ME . They will be a target from see to other ocean . ME , has them in confined spaces , and ig it will come to it , they will just will blow them all up .
The Experts on American and Iranian Foreign Policy have Prayers and Wishes that President Trump will not Win Re-Election if a Conflict Happens in Iran, and if a Conflict does Happen the Khamenei Regime won’t Survive Either. The World Trade Nation would be Delighted if Trump and Khamenei ended each other Reign since they are considered Swords with Two Edges that Cuts and Undercuts Trade Both Ways Equally Globally be Glad each to be Removed from Power would they Not, Interesting Thinking, or Dreaming or Planning?
People on Gilligan’s Island won’t be impacted by Trump or the Iranian governments….time for the coconut bra and dance…
In 2015, Khamenei Public Comments on the Joint Nuclear Sham Deal that “Even After This Deal Our Policy Towards America Will Not Change”! America’s Secretary of State John Kerry responded, it was “Very Disturbing”, and “Very Troubling”!
Link To Think & Remember:
Obama gave Iran it’s own cash that had been confiscated. Whey would you spew a rightie fairy tale
freeze the cash send the goats…
If my memory serves me correctly, the bunker buster bombs should be forthcoming very soon.
My memory says that the United States will give Saddam weapons to gas Kurds and terrorize Persia.
Ahmadinejad Lives…….Europe, America, & GCC will not just provide New Weapons to the Kurds will give the Kurds a Nation from Persia! Long overdue as the Single Largest Culture without a Home. The Persian Version Iranian Kurds Are Rising Up Against the Mullahs. A Center-Left Separatist Insurgency, based in Northern Iraq, is Fighting the IRGC. Thank you, for that Reminder!
Both USSR Soviet clients.
Yess!! Gota’ love The Sanctions boys! USA! USA! USA!
israil ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç olarak bütün dünyayı tehdit ediyor
israil ortadoğuda işgalci siyonist bir rejimdir bütün islam topraklarına göz diken vahşi soykırımcı devlettir
Just like Jews and Christians, Shia Muslims have to send their religious obligatory 20% Khums tax on their savings to our religious leader, aka, Grand Ayatullah, whom they follow. Grand Ayatullah Sistani is one, and Grand Ayatullah Khameini is another. The funds frozen are not his personal funds, these funds are those of the believers who send their religious tax, which is then spent on student aid, helping the poor etc. Every Grand Ayatollah has its own financial and charity network separate from any government interference. It has been the case for over 1000 years. So, this conflict is taking the turn of a religious conflict. Trump is doing what Bush and company did in Iraq, so to disrupt the balance in the region and it will not bode well for this regime in WH. Khameini has seen the likes of 6 US Presidents, and will also see the demise of this one too. The Shia religious leaders live to their 90s at least. Khameini will a few more presidents before another religious Grand Ayatullah takes over the mantle.
Of course he has seen the likes of 6 US presidents and that’s because unlike in the West, Iranians don’t get to vote for the Ayatollah! So far he has been in power for 30 years unelected by the Iranian people.
The Iran Regime has No Intention of Changing their Behavior thinking there will not be any Consequences and America will not Remove the Sanctions that will keep Impacting on Iran’s Economy to Thrive. There will be just more Escalations of Sanctions and Iranian Regime Belief in Sanctification from Allah. As, America Offers Talks but Iran chooses to Balk and Walk? In the meantime, Undermining will happen more than Agreeing to Disagree or an Accident Mistake Happens and Lives are Lost causing Direct Retaliation.
The 3rd Shia Imam, Imam Hussain (A. S.), was asked by the tyrant ruler Yazid in what’s modern day Damascus, he must pay allegiance to him or be killed. Hussain refused and said: “I will never give Yazid my hand like a man who has been humiliated, nor will I flee like a slave… I have not risen to spread evil or to show off… I only desire to enjoin good values and prevent evil.” and that “Someone like me, does not pledge allegiance to someone like him”. Hussain’s final decision was: “Death with honor is far better than life in humiliation”.
Bottom line, you are not dealing with just Iran, you are dealing with Shia Iran! Death is better than humiliation, which Arabs and the US are demanding of Iran, and they will never submit, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go pound sand!
Unless the select forces of the US or Israel or …. finish the job! And with God speed to free the Iranian people.
The supreme Iranian “leader” would rather eat his own s*^t, than surrender to sanctions.
But, just in case, he started wearing fresh, bright brown skirts, to save face (i.e. feces…)
nice one: delighted to hear zarif to be hit thursday also, the devilsh smiling slimeball
That will teach Iran to defend its borders from attacks upon its borders by crazed Zionist provocateurs.
Basically, anyone not being bribed to befriend the Occupiers of Palestine are sanctioned!
Youre a stupid schmuck
Hey amadinejihad, go learn actual history instead of deep throat swallowing propaganda before making such stupid baseless historically inaccurate asinine comments in public. You just verbally and intellectually shat yourself
You’re right Chris!!!
Should we Sanction the UK as was reported yesterday too?? We should support our Jewish brothers!!
Islam has been occupying the middle east for 1,300 years. It’s wonderfully amazing that Israel finally returned and took back what had been stolen from them. I just feel really bad for the other 57 Islamic nations which are being held hostage by those obedient to a slave trading, pedophile, war monger like Muhammad.
I doubt Islam will last much longer, the foundational cracks are already widening.
It is a pagan composite of greek anti-anthropomorphism (cf Xenophanes) and straight out pagan fertility
cult (cf Baal and Astaroth) – these two pillars don’t stand well together, and many thousands of ex-Muslims are beginning to see and feel this across the Muslim world.
Will it make its 1400 solar birthday, since the Hijra, we’ll see…?
Plus look at the symbol in the middle of the Iranian flag.
It’s a detailed picture of a woman’s private parts.
Satan’s Khomenis Islamic Revolution is a disgrace.
Something wrong with a cruise missile ?? “the supreme ruler’s “office,” which is situated in a separate, fortified quarter of northern Tehran”
ask trump whY he stopped attack on iran last week
wbat should be wrong with some thousand body bags fuer american military personal?
The US put sanctions on Cuba since 1959, on China & others, did NOT work against no one, won’t work here either !
“The US put sanctions on Cuba since 1959, on China & others, did NOT work against no one, won’t work here either!”
Those sanctions on Cuba have resulted in 1958 Chevy’s, being held together with bailing wire, to still be a common site and form of transportation on the streets of Havana to this very day!
New Iran Diplomacy Swan Song of Khamenei In His Robe!
Dave: Did you attend Ayatollah-U or Commy College?
I don’t think that it is a US Intel success, but it IS the Mossad’s !
G-d bless President Trump and Godspeed. May he go from success to success. May he live to 120. May all enemies of the USA fail and all their people rise up against the tyranny which brings their leaders to hate America and hate Israel.
@G-d bless Trump. – You mean “G-dspeed” don’t you. Pretending to be religious again?
This will not end well for humanity.
If the Ayatollah Khamenei ever runs out of food when he’s holed up in his fortified head quarters when the going gets rear tough, maybe we can ship to him a life time supply of HAM sandwiches for the sake of his subsistence!
Wow! That photo – Trump is very orange isn’t he
David……..President Trump is of Dutch Ancestry and it is known as the Orange Republic! Still, might be just Coincidence?
All Ayatollers cut off their wives’ clits, then fry them with pork sausage and dog meat for their breakfast.
Why waste a good pig on such perversity when it can take you from behind??
Iran makes me wet the bed. I pee myself so much these days.
Piggie in the bottom takes my mind off my fears.
All Men of Power Dream, but not Equally. Some Dream just before a Bleary Dawn among Fog, Mists, and Dew Waking in Pinkish Sunlight Finding his own Vanity, but it the Day Dreamers that seek Power becoming Dangerous Men, for they may Act on their Dreams with Open Eyes, Miscalculations, and Machinations by Acting Upon such Messages to make them Possible or Bring on their own Downfall.
Sounds like a day on Gilligan’s Island….
Sang to the Beach Boys tune Barbarann, Bomb Iran:
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Let’s take a stand
Bomb Iran
Our country’s got a feelin’
Really hit the ceilin’, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Went to a mosque, gonna throw some rocks
Tell the Ayatollah, “Gonna put you in a box!”
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country’s got a feelin’
Really hit the ceilin’, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Ol’ Uncle Sam’s gettin’ pretty hot
Time to turn Iran into a parking lot
Bomb Iran. Bomb, bomb, bomb
Bomb Iran
Our country’s got a feelin’
Really hit the ceilin’, bomb Iran
Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran
Tale of the tape:
1 USD = 42,079.51 IRR (Iranian Rials)
Time to send a nice bouquet of Tomahawks.
Strike Force Eagle One………….Good Point, American National Interests Foreign Policy Provides Opportunities for Doves & Eagles Diplomacy. President Obama-Kerry offered Doves but Iran’s Regime Chose Chaos. Now President Trump-Pompeo Offers have Chosen Rejection by Regime Ending All Diplomacy! Now the Eagles are Coming, with Tomahawks, Night Owls, and Stealth Fowls. No Dragons can Save the IRGC with the Shiia Caliphate Fate Losing Since 632 CE!
Why not sending a drone? perhaps a Global Hawk to take care of business…
American Retaliation won’t be Limited to Iranian Radar, Missiles Defenses, Naval, IRGC, and Aircraft Bases. It will include Taking Out Iran’s Crude Oil Exports, almost all (90%) Islands of Kharg, Lavan and Sirr. Already, Major Economies have switch supplies South Korea’s, Japan, India, China, Greece, Spain, and Italy and removes $200 Billion from Iran. Once, the Export Facilities are destroyed it will worse than Sanctions, and Iran & IRGC Regime will Collapse and be Targeted Themselves.
I hope Gilligan’s Island is not a target.
..I agree to disagree!
iranians are short memory they forgot THE BEATING THEY TOOK FROM REAGAN IN1980S
U…… Great Point, “POTUS Reagan Eagles”, Devastated Iran’s Navy in Days. The IRGC 1980s Could Not Even Defeat Iraq’s Nor Protect Kharg Island. Khomeini Boasts, “Never Accept Peace of Iraq-Iran War! Khomeini Wrong Words of Yesterday Sound Much Like Khamenei Today’s Do They Not?
Gandalf-Trump Verses Khamenei-Saurman 2019
The Persian People March On Tehran Against Rogue Robes!
So Much For Regime Nuke Underground Facilities!
The Fateful End Of The Shiia Regime Caliphate!
Diplomatic Presidential Brinkmanship Over Supreme Leader!
The Eagles Arrive Over There Saving Iranians!
The End Of The IRGC And Beginning Of Independent Kurdistan!
I thought it was a Hawk not Eagles…what do you know stuck on your tiny Island?
Sol……you need Closed Caption for your Closed Mind, Eagles is what it said, not Thinking about it, unless Tiny Island Iran is upset they can’t Defend Tiny Minds of the Ayatollahs!
The Rise Of A New Iran And Middle East Kingdom!
Return Of King Cyrus Persia Wisdom For All Cultures And Nations!
The rise started in 1979. You need to get out a little more…
Sol, the Demise is Happening in 2019, 40 Cheers for the March of the Persians taking back Tehran from the regime that Ruined it. Good Luck among the Chaos now in Iran! Time To Respect The Persian People and End regime Purple Reign Rain!
Iran and has been for a very long time. Don’t you get the news on Gilligan’s Island?
There is a strategic convergence of Israeli and American interests in the toppling of Netanyahu, and that is what is happening. Netanyahu will continue his dance over the cherished war on Iran that he pinned his hopes on with the Clean Break Plan
20 minutes before Ronald Reagan took office the chicken-shiite Persians released the American hostages.
Cowards and terrorists, one and all.
The Ayatollah’s were satisfied in that just staying in Power and have not advanced nor Contributed to Persia’s History and have been a Bonanza of Arms Merchants by Festering Middle East Meddling for Disrupting Governments to Insure a OPEC Price Hikes while Destroying Many Cultures, Families and becoming a Bastion of Islamic Civilization Societal Suicides.
It is more blessed to give than receive…..sanctions….computer warfare….oil…ultimatums…etc
I think there’s no point in talking and advertising belligerent songs and messages. Iran must be put to a halt by all means, without chit chat. On that we all agree and this will happen by a subtle blend of covert operations, open operations and financial sanctions. Once the Iranians feel the hunger for basic food, they will do the work by hanging all those bearded monsters. And the rest of the free world will breathe deeply.