Putin’s top officials sent to Jerusalem after DEBKAfile disclosed his rift with Netanyahu. Israeli Sling’s Wand in first operation
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chief of Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov were sent urgently to Israel on Monday, July 23 over the Putin-Netanyahu rift that was exclusively disclosed by DEBKAfile.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced the mission to the cabinet in words that were revealing: He said Israel will not accept the Syrian army’s entry to the buffer zone set up by the 1974 Syrian-Israeli separation of forces accord, thereby indicating that he did not trust in Syrian compliance with this accord, despite the guarantee offered by President Vladimir Putin in their phone conversation on Friday, July 20. DEBKAfile’s sources note that Putin’s pledge came after he reneged on a series of promises he gave US President Donald Trump and Netanyahu in recent weeks, relating to keeping the Iranians and their proxies away from the Israeli border.
To emphasize that Israel now meant business, the IDF was instructed Monday morning to use the David’s Sling anti-missile weapon for its first combat operation against Syrian missiles fired in a battle with rebels in the buffer zone. Warning alerts were triggered the length and breadth of northern Israel – from the Golan and the Bashan north of the Sea of Galilee area up to Safed and Tiberias. David’s Sling broadcast a signal to all those concerned that Israel had every intention of using its most advanced weaponry in southern Syria if necessary.
Three important points emerged from Monday’s events:
- The claim that the Syrian army is fighting in the battles for conquering southern Syria is more fiction than fact: Aside from tattered elements of that army, the battles are being fought by Hizballah and pro-Iranian Shiite militias under Iranian command. So the “Syrian army” is a misnomer when referring to intrusions of the buffer zone, or proximity to Israel’s Golan border – currently estimated by military sources at no more than 3-8km. They should correctly be attributed to Iranian plus proxies.
- Some of these forces enjoy Russian air force support.
- If Israeli fighter jets are confirmed to have fired missiles from Lebanon Sunday night at a missile depot at Masyaf near Hama, killing Iranian and Hizballah officers, this raises a question: Why would Israel take military action against Iran and Hizballah far from its borders, while thus far holding back from attacking those same forces close to its Golan border? Indeed, Netanyahu threatened as much in his last conversation with Putin in the harshest terms: “Any hill captured by Iran and Hizballah near the Israeli border will become a crater,” he vowed. The Russian president seems to have taken this threat seriously enough to send his top people to Jerusalem to hold Israel back.
Do not believe anyone’s assurances. Defend the border, keep the Islamic State of Iran and their proxies away and base judgements on actions, not words (lies).
ahahaha: the promises of the adepts of he religion of peace
Yes, Putin has been given plenty of chances and has just bullshitted and helped iran and hez.. Looks like Bibi has come to this realization too.
The Islamic State is peacefully coexisting with Israel in Israel’s north east border, which is conveniently not shown in the maps posted in this site.
Thats because Western and Jewhadi intelligence agencies support fake muslim terrorist aka “ISIS” that alot of morons think are “islamic”.
I am loving seeing the Zionist infested Western bullshit media squirming as their loser terrorist mercenaries are being kicked out of Syria.
Yes, loser Expect to see some ‘Jewhad’ in Syria real soon. Also, the ‘Zionist infested Western bullshit media’ is actually Al Jazeera in drag: the Islamofascist ministry of propaganda. Jackass.
#Can’t Mossad the Assad
Go to your local mosque and get a fix…your brain (what’s left of it) is infected with hate – that’s all you know
I would say, firing hundreds of missiles into Israel is anything but coexisting. Israel is correct in going to the source of the missiles and taking out the factory. If Syria continues to push the limit, they will have to deal with a much more efficient enemy than ISIS.
It is not wise thing to source out your national security interest to Russia or any other countries. Kill the Iranians & Hizbulla terrorists and make peace with the Syrians.
There is nothing left from syrian army, but israel still thinks syrian army exist,
so stupid
Henry- Israel should consult you before making decisions. As you are so smart and aware. lol
It’s just useful for your kind of mind, which is stupid
“1974 Syrian-Israeli separation of forces accord,” hahaha……lol…..while ISISrael bombs the Hly Shiite out of the Syrian Army…..THE WHOLE HAS WOKEN UP ……..evacuating White Helmets …..then you bomb Syrian Army positions……ISISrael all day long folks…..all day long !!
IRAQ INVADED ON A PACK OF LIES……OLD NEWS…..but it seems Israelis have forgotten who wanted the war in Iraq……Netanyahu and his band of mafia bosses…..that is a fact now folks……but the world is not believing your bullshit anymore or should I say Netanyahu’s bullshit ………you will become an isolated wasteland pretty soon unless you REMOVE Netanyahu and save your nation……..
The Cabal that brought down the Towers
1. Netanyahu ( head of the snake )
2. Ehud Barak ( fucktard )
3. Ehud Olmert ( dickhead )
4. Lucky Larry Silverstein ( 2 billion profit from the demolition of the towers )
5. Paul Bremer
6. Dick the Cheney
7. Bob Mueller
…….but of a few that will hang for their crimes against the American and Iraqi people………
And do you know who was piloting the planes and miraculously escaped the inferno? George Soros and Barack Hussein Obama.
You are a moron ty!!!
Sorry but you do not have clue you misforunate…lol….it just goes to show you are brainwashed beyond help….Lucky Larry Silverstein made a handsome profit of 2.5 billion…..Netanyahu the fvuckdog got his war in Iraq…..over a million dead and wounded…..all for ISISrael…..
You have conspiracy theory derangement syndrome (CTDS) exacerbated by your hate for others.
“Larry A. Silverstein, who has won nearly $4.6 billion in insurance payments to cover his losses and help him rebuild at the World Trade Center site, is seeking $12.3 billion in damages from airlines and airport security companies for the 9/11 attack.”
lol……here you go you idiot…..https://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/27/nyregion/27rebuild.html I mean how dumb are you ?
Lucky Larry mad a 120 million dollar investment……nice profit there right ?
Strange but I am helping you but you do not know it yet….by the way I know an Israeli soldier and he is a nice guy….so I am jew hater right ?
ty, Are any of the 19 identified 9/11 hijackers STILL ALIVE????????????????????
If so wouldn’t that severely undermine the current understanding of the events of 9/11??????
Since you believe you know so much, I hope you are brave enough to answer those questions.
Tyical islamic lies and propaganda. Commit acts of genocide and terrorism, and then blame the Jews.
The good news is, the islamist’s days are numbered.
Clown, any more exclusive news?
Reneging on Trump will cost Putin more than he knows. Israel should not miss a chance to punish tresspassers South or North; Same sh*t different locations
“Kill the Iranians” ……a fairly sweeping comment ……..anti-semitic racist !!
ty, You ignorant boob, Iranians are NOT Semites.
Israel has been a very good listener guided by sound wisdom.
But all that Israel has given into to improve the situation in Syria has all been for nothing.
This is betrayal of trust by Putin.
What are these two Russians going to say this time?
Any hilltop captured will become the crater of an active volcano.
The Religious Fanatics that imprison the Iranian People choose to threaten Israel, America and the Sunni Countries in their aggressive actions. Russia has figured out the malign intentions of the suicidal leaders of Iran and is weighing the consequences of getting involved and risk good relations with Israel, America and the rest of the World that is threatened by a nuclear armed Iran
“The Religious Fanatics that imprison the Iranian People” ……take a look at Israel ffs…..one of the most brainwashed country’s on the planet………that is a plain fact !! Free the people of Israel !!
No ty, the UK is one of the most brainwashed countries on the planet.
London’s 7/7, Manchester, Pan Am 103, Lee Rigby, London and Westminster bridge, …
Three stooges that beleive Putin; Natanyahou,Trump. and the Chief Rabbi of Russia.
Henry- Israel should consult you before making decisions. As you are so smart and aware. lol
Lol.more talks? Stepping up the bombing raids would be the right answer.Russia is just buying time to finish the job, don’t trust them.
The Russian military CANNOT and WILL NOT be humiliated by the superior IDF and IAF capabilities !
As the top Russian leadership is in an Emergency meeting with their counterparts IN Israel,
The long anticipated “Gog and Magog” great Confrontation is about to commence…
It is not “Gog and Magog,” but rather “Gog of Magog.” “Gog” is the YHWH’s name for the leader of Magog.
Israel does not destroy the invading Magog military coalition, YHWH does this.
Before Ezekiel 38/39 occurs, Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 come to fulfillment, then Psalm 83.
Only when Israel has recovered and is living in safety, security, fearing no external threats, will Ezekiel 38/39 take place.
Thanks for the comment.
I hope not and I hope Israelis wake the fuck up fast as they are all going to sacrificed for Netanyahu’s Third Temple…….
ty, don’t skip your meds any more. no really, just don’t.
perhaps they are referring to another time?
perhaps you should start moping the floor at the high school you work for
your blowing smoke up someones ass saying you were a commander
no self respecting military officer who served there country in war would never sit with these young brainwashed college pimps who have no idea when the civil war started nor care
Military forces bearing arms are not permitted to enter the UNDOF zone between Line A and Line B per the 1974 DoF accord. Period. Only Syrian government administrative personnel are allowed entrance in performance of their duties for civilian population. Anything else is a breach of the DoF accord. Very simple to understand the Israeli policy here.
Idolatrous retards praising their idolatrous national image. Israel will do this, Israel has said that. Seriously, are these the fools who will save the jewish people?
“Idolatrous retards praising their idolatrous national image. Israel will do this, Israel has said that. Seriously, are these the fools who will save the jewish people?”
Did you finally allow that fellow patient in your ward to get on that community computer so he could save the day for SPONGE BOB ?
So nice of you———must be why this particular comment of yours is free of all of those extensive quotations you regularly regurgitate on this site.
Tell that commie piece of shit lavrov to go home and bone his sister and wipe the floor with syria liquidate the lot of them..Putins all bluff
Commie ? lol…..you do not know your history at all I am thinking……..we are in a lot more trouble than I thought……we are sending a FLOTILLA of Therapists to ISISrael……..so hopefully we can save your minds and souls…
“……we are sending a FLOTILLA of Therapists to ISISrael……..so hopefully we can save your minds and souls…”
Seriously (basing this on your previous posts), if all of those therapists are sent to Israel (a whole flotilla none the less), who will be left to help the one who really needs their professional services the most, namely————YOU!
Well, if 2018 reflects Psalm 118 and it is divided into 12 months, this is what’s about to happen.
It is better to take refuge in Adonai
than to trust in human beings;
9 better to take refuge in Adonai
than to put one’s trust in princes.
10 The nations all surrounded me;
in the name of Adonai I cut them down.
11 They surrounded me on every side
in the name of Adonai I cut them down.
12 They surrounded me like bees
but were extinguished [as quickly] as a fire in thorns;
in the name of Adonai I cut them down.
13 You pushed me hard to make me fall,
but Adonai helped me.
14 Yah is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.
15 The sound of rejoicing and victory
is heard in the tents of the righteous:
“Adonai’s right hand struck powerfully!
16 Adonai’s right hand is raised in triumph!
Adonai’s right hand struck powerfully!”
adoni, rhymes with lemon tree, translates “my master”? In pause it would be “adonai”, same meaning. Has Yah given any scriptural indication that he approves either as a substitute/equivalence for his explicit 4 letter name? May he send his salvation soon.
Very good.
The right questions: If David’s Wand was used, at what was it fired and did it hit the target?
Current Middle East Situation that still needs to be Address and America-Arab Coalition-Israel, are Preparing, Planning, and Doing it.
Meanwhile, Syria is still a Mess, Gaza and Israel are at another Impasse, Trump is Prioritize Fighting Terrorism, Hezbollah is the gift that just keeps giving for Iran as the usable Proxy Weapon of War in Iran’s Arsenal. While Tehran’s Qud Operatives struggle to Execute Attacks Outside the Middle East as seen in botched attacks. As Hezbollah has shown no such limitations to attack Israeli Targets India, Georgia, Thailand and Kenya.
Iran is incapable of success so its pays used Hezbollah to train Iraqi Shi’a Militant Houthi Rebels in Yemen, as well as, propping up the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria since 2011.
Don’t worry the IDF has the Weapons, Technology, and Human Resources of Intelligence to counter Attack at anytime of Israel Choosing.
For example, the Israeli AH-64D Apache Helicopters can now use the Spike Missile can target and destroy any Tanks, Artillery and Pick Up Trucks.
Also, The F-16I Sufa Thunderstorm Fighter is the customized Israeli version of the U.S. F-16 with cutely named Air-to-Surface Popeye and Delilah Missiles like Popeye, Delilah and JDAM Smart Bombs, that destroy Jihadi Vehicles and Fortifications.
Additionally, Israel Super Heron Drone Keeps Constant Watch on a Fast-moving Irregular Army, Militia or Tribal Groups can fly for more than 45 hours at an altitude of 30,000 feet and a speed of more than 170 miles per hour with visible light and infrared cameras, radar and SIGINT receivers, provide the IDF a potent Aerial-Surveillance Capability.
Moreover, This compliments the Israel’s Digital Unit 8200 is the most formidable weapon in Israel’s Anti-Jihadi Arsenal due to being able to SIGINT Unit, IDF equivalent of America’s National Security Agency. This provides Huge Capability for Surveillance, Communications, Cyberwarfare a Global basis to monitor Jihadi ID Key Leaders movements.
Furthermore, the Merkava Mark IVs Tank is a far better Tank than the the M-1 Abrams without the latest U.S. Technology provides the IDF a combined overwhelming advantage.
Finally, the rest of the world is caught in the middle such as India Between the United States and Iran and Washington has made it clear that New Delhi must pick a side soon. Just as America is reemerging as the Energy Dominance in this New World Order to achieve that goal of removing any Nation or Terror Group choosing to cause Chaos, Export Terror and continue Proxy Wars such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthi Rebels in Yemen, and Palestinians in Gaza have been doing.
It won’t be such a Difficult Fight as Iran Thugs Pretend it will be and that is their challenge on how to get out with their wealth and families in safety as Chaos now surrounds them.
How long is Bibi baba in power?longest serving I believe…lol….
Russia offers a 62 miles zone without Iranians or hezzies?Give me a break.Blackmail or else..?Time to cut ties with Putin.
Well it’s war then with Russia….up to you…the Iranians were specically invited by the legitimate Sovereign government of Syria to fight ISIS who you support so….tell the Yanks get the hell out also….they are not invited…..also when did Hezbollah attack Israel lately …..nothing no attacks but you drama queens it’s everyday lol…delusional at best…
Yo Jim conas a ta ta ? Can bhuil an mind and soul Jim……god I seen u today your one ugly mf…..damn dude…
I see the walls are coming down Jim….7.4 earthquake is on its way….all walls will be toren down there will be nothing left to argue over Jim what are you going to do Jim….
russia has great tech but so does israel… putin knows this.. the russian smelly bear has its limits…
putin is a proven liar. israel must hit iran hard in syria especially near the golan which is israeli land.
Stop supporting ISIS and Iran will leave it’s as simple as simple as that….we know Israel wants to fire up the Jihadis again….it’s not going to happen my friend
“Stop supporting ISIS and Iran will leave it’s as simple as simple as that….”
Yes————-Iran will leave because Ty said so!
Ty= Rooskii Trolli
In your pipe dream…..informed Israeli citizen….
The most ones who benefited from ISIS were Assad and Iran. It is no coincidence that Assad released terrorists from prison as the revolution was taking over Syria. Also strange how easy it was for ISIS to overrun Syrian and Iraqi military bases and to seize the weapons and ammunition. Sometimes without any resistance. Another strange thing: neither the Syrian nor the Iraqi army was able to defeat ISIS, but some Peshmerga with light armament were able to do so. Think by yourself, the biggest beneficiaries of ISIS were Assad and Iran.
Lol….the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard…..Iran and Syria have been fighting Israeli backed terror groups that is why Iran is there….
Ty =Sharmouta’s RETARDED son
Kurds fought ISIS. Assad and Iran are the only one who benefited from ISIS. In this way Assad was able to beat down the Syrian Revolution and Iran was able to take over the control in Iraq. ISIS is a Iranian false flag operation.
It was easy because Israel/US were arming them…..lol…..arms just do not appear you muppet…….it’s looking at you right in the face but you still cannot see it….
ISIS used seized equimpent from Syrian and Iraq military facilities. Often it was so easy for ISIS, all soldiers gone, all doors open and all weapons in good conditions. Even if the Syrian or Iraqi soldiers had to run away, why not destroying the ammunition depot before leaving. A ISIS member said that they had not used a single dollar for weapons because the Syrian and Iraqi army provided them with everything they needed. You have to admit it, this is strange. Also why did Assad release terrorists from Syrian prisons prior to the rise of ISIS?! ISIS is an Iranian false flag operation.
“In your pipe dream…..informed Israeli citizen….”
In your own pipe dream………….Iranian “USEFUL IDIOT”………….
PM netanjahu hat rejected the ofer of russia to keep iran 100km far from border
Israel donoes not tolerate iranian even 100km far .
but Israel tolerating iranian and hisbullah fighter 100m from the border of golan in queintra
Kingdom of JUDA, Kingfdom of israel are new persian provinces
very soon
“Kingdom of JUDA, Kingfdom of israel are new persian provinces
very soon”
@ “Abbas, Chairman of PLO . President of Palestine” (whew, that’s a good one!),
More like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza and some parts of the West Bank are already new Persian provinces!
Bibi works with the deep state, and not in the interests of the Jewish state,
that’s why he does almost nothing to eliminate the hamas threat, and lets Palestinians capture wide parts of Jewish land in the state of israel,
that’s why he froze the building of Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria, and is destroying Jewish homes ans villages as much as he thinks he can get away with,
he is a dirty traitor, he betrayed the Jewish people and he needs to be tried and when found guilty he needs to get the death penalty !
he uses the assets of the Jewish state to fight Assad because that’s what the deep state wants him to do, it has noting to do with protecting the Jewish state,
“———–he is a dirty traitor, he betrayed the Jewish people and he needs to be tried and when found guilty he needs to get the death penalty !
he uses the assets of the Jewish state to fight Assad because that’s what the deep state wants him to do, it has noting to do with protecting the Jewish state,”
@ “…” ,
The logic for that comment seems quite elusive.
But then, what would anyone expect from someone who calls himself “…” ?
I see TDS has infected folks here too.
In any event, Iran is in deep trouble. It is losing the battle at home and internationally, and will soon need its forces back in Iran to quell unrest. Hez has no other backers, and when the regime of the Mullahs collapses, they are toast.
The good guys (Israel, USA, SA, and other Arab States) are winning. Assad is contained. Russia is in over its head. Hamas and the PA are where they always where- a corrupt group of kleptocrats without much popular support.
bibi forget little putin!!!! if you cannot your place either to steiniz , lieberman or bennet!!!! bibi you needs to destroy assad and his army so iran or russian will have no justification to stay in syria