Shin Beit director Yuval Diskin opposes handing Palestinians more land “unless a Palestinian element is there to take over and do its job.”

He remarked that the evacuation from Gaza should rightly have been called “an uprooting,” were it not for the “word laundry” operating in the country.
In a lecture Monday to students at the pre-military academy at Eili on the West Bank, Diskin said his service is more lenient towards Jewish terror suspects than Arabs. “A Jewish detainee and a suspect from the Arab town of Umm al Fahm would not get equal treatment from the judicial system either,” he said. “A Jew who practices terrorism is a worse cancer (afflicting) the nation than an Arab who performs the same act.” The domestic security service chief said the Jewish department (which monitors Jewish groups advocating violence) will not be closed down because there is a problem.
Diskin had a nonconformist comment for the situation in Iraq: “When you dismantle a regime ruled by a strong tyrant you get chaos. I’m not at all sure I don’t miss Saddam.”

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