Why doesn’t the IDF pre-empt Hamas March of Return?
The Hamas directive to Friday’s March of Return protesters – to refrain from violence and stay clear of the border – belies the event’s label. While organizing six tent encampments in the Gaza Strip, parallel to the 69-km Israeli border for a six-week “peaceful protest,” Hamas is sending infiltrators to demonstrate how easy it is to breach the border and enter Israel. This keeps the Palestinian terrorist group’s hand on the lever of a two-track strategy for determining when to use the momentum of the “protest” to send through terrorists for attacks on Israeli communities and Israel border guard posts. Just one such operation would give Hamas an important propaganda victory.
Thursday, March 29, the IDF broadcast warnings to Gazans not to approach the border fence, and used diplomatic channels, mainly through Egypt and the UN, to caution Hamas to hold back any groups from coming close to the border. What exactly was conveyed to the Hamas rulers of Gaza is unknown.
DEBKAfile’s military sources stress that Hamas may find itself losing control of the large crowd of incited Palestinians it is massing against Israel as of Friday, March 30. This crowd may well be penetrated by undercover agents of fellow Islamist terror groups, such as the Islamic Jihad or Salafi sect extremists, some of whom are closely linked with the ISIS Sinai affiliate. They may be hiding among the civilian tent dwellers until their handlers order them to spring out and head for the border, pulling behind them hundreds of young Palestinians inflamed for violence. The Israeli soldiers on guard would then be forced to stop the mass before it surges across for the “return” – first with crowd dispersal measures and then live fire.
DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that Hamas posted officers on Wednesday to check the identities of the people reaching the camps and weed out such penetrations. The screening effort is, however, no more foolproof that Israel’s attempts to block the border against infiltrators.
Some high IDF officers have told our sources that they can’t understand why the top brass has not acted to stop Hamas’ preparations for the biggest anti-Israel spectacle it has staged since Israel ended its eight-year long rocket campaign. They ask why Israel is allowing the tent villages to rise 500-700 meters from the border, populated with the help of a fleet of buses which collect them from the mosques. The modern conveniences, food, running water, a new network of pathways and flowering plants give these encampments the aspect of holiday resorts. Hamas is working hard to lure reluctant “protesters” to stay in place for six weeks of unfolding demonstrations. Those officers ask why Hamas was allowed to lay this infrastructure for an event that could quickly run out of control and turn violent at any moment.
Early Thursday, March 29, saw the fourth infiltration by Hamas operatives from Gaza in less than a week. Two young Palestinians armed with knives and bolt cutters, were arrested after crossing into Israel. Asked why nothing was being done to stop Hamas’s two-track offensive, the IDF spokesman responded: “The army pursues a policy of containment and non-use of gunfire. At times, this policy is not correctly understood by the other side. It is our hope that they understand it to mean self-restraint on their part.”
The IDF high command is evidently hard at work producing language to obscure its decision to refrain from pre-emptive action against a menace that while cunningly nuanced is nonetheless real.
The Terrorstinians would be much better advised to clean up their own messes and mobilize their youth to build instead of destroy and play the victims.
The Islamists have several countries of their own: Gaza, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, etc. They, along with their ideological brothers and sisters, have made carnage in every country they live. Yet they want more and that is not because they want or need more land – it is because they have been brainwashed by their leaders to destroy their own land and people and to annihilate non-Muslims.
Gaza is now beehive of the worst terrorists in the world.
By the way, it was not Israel’s rocket campaign, it was Hamas’ rocket campaign.
The IDF should use Water Cannons and Super Soakers filled with bacon grease on the islamofascists which refuse to obey lawful orders to back off.
Why not use live ammunition? You want to exterminate all of them anyway. Sack up, and do what you are trying to slowly do.
Suliman Retro, It’s better to defile them with BACON GREASE and have them spend the rest of their lives in SHAME where everyone – even their prophet Moooohammed will despise them
this demonstration may well be allowed by Israel to escelat as it will into a pre emptive all out blitz of the strip by the IDF pushing the arabs into the Sini and israel re taking and redrawing the border to incorporate the strip. would make a good sea port and little las vegas with casinoes. we all know a new war is being planed by the arabs for the 70th yr ISRAELI STATE HOOD
tents burn don’t they?
You are so right with the Bacon Grease
Very well said Anonymous. It’s not politically correct, but it is TRUTH.
because the muslim rats would then claim they are victims they would say we cant understand why the idf would shoot at us we are only peacefully shooting at the big nasty jews ooo world look at us victims !! when they do protest i hope the idf crushes these little rats
i hope israel starts assassinating imams and there famileys
yes from this mass gathering the israeli’s should expect anything and be ready for anything!!!
The most awaited day may be in the making with the progress of this ‘peaceful’ demonstration. I think every step should be viewed cautiously by the security apparatus to ascertain when to put a stop to the demonstration, thereby controlling it so it is not usurped by certain elements for violence. Initial indicators- 4 infiltrations in days- do not show a peaceful demonstration ahead.
Life is precious – both Jewish and Palestinian lives, and must be protected at all cost. A few, unfortunately, do not count so much on life. I appeal to all to use whatever means possible not to allow whatever that’s planned to escalate to violence. No spill of blood is necessary. No loss of life is necessary.
release the hostages, lay down your terroristic atomic holo-caust weapons the germ agents and the chemicals and come out of the holy land with your hands up, ‘respecter of human life’.
If it were not for people like you who were raised by their parents, churches and mosques to be antisemites out to destroy and capture the Jewish people and their land, then there would be peace.
Peace will happen when the tenets of Islam change to remove the supremacy, misogyny, hate for the “infidel,” and terrorism. It is not as if terrorists need land – you have 99.9% of the region already – it is a hate in your hearts and minds that needs to be snuffed out and rehabilitated if possible.
That change cannot be done by anyone except your own people. In the meantime, nobody is going to let you use them, abuse them and kill their people. Got that straight? It is called self-defense and survival against a foe seething with disgusting violence which they instill in their children.
That can only happen when you start thinking and stop inciting and working yourselves up like animals to bloody rages, intifadas, conquests, war and terror.
No, those beautiful weapons must be used on the indigenous population, because they are so violent and terroristic, and must be put out of their misery.
Indigenous population are Jews. Gaza was part of Egypt. The population of Gaza are Egyptian and various arab migrants . Russia needs to stop killing the indigenous in Russian occupied Crimea , Kaliningrad,Chechnya and Dagestan.
I guess its maturity, not drugs that gets one to ‘respect life’, it is termed ‘viewing life from above’. Please don’t mistake that for weakness. Being not interested in violence does not mean in anyway one runs away from trouble. The capability to defend oneself is hugely robust. All I m saying is silly war is silly, and only silly ones look for war, especially the ones they will absolutely loose.
RatSputum, Tell your Slav Master Pootin to return to Siberia.
Muslims always launch their terrorist ventures on Jewish holidays because Muslims are: a) born and bred (and proud!) terrorists according to their books, and b) disrespect other people’s religion and other sects of their own Muslim political “religion.”
May God bless Israel and the IDF in this serious moment in time.
My fear is that once the masses get there, . . . in tent cities with nothing to do, . . . instigators will fire them up and they will use the simple masses of bodies to break down the fences and over-run the Israeli defenses. It could get real ugly real fast.
God doesn’t exist….sorry to pop your bubble.
All we need to see is a few hundred thousand Palestinians march peacefully towards Israel and watch the Jews massacre them and claim to be poor little victims and gods chosen ones! Yeah, that will make you animals feel “exceptional”, won’t it?
Hamas’ plan is for their own people to be killed on film by the international media and if they can’t provoke the IDF to shoot, they will shoot their own people of which the media will blame Israel. They hope for a lot of dead 24 year old
teenagers, pregnant women and old men in wheelchairs, The world will demand that Israel stop these ‘war crimes’ etc.
Dear Jewish people.
Those who have eyes to see &ears to hear,
Discern this: Prophet Isaja declared the Coming Messiah hundreds of years before he would be manifested. We are in the season of his return. No march no rockets can stop Israels future. The Father will intervene. Many Islamists will see the true living God they never knew (Allah is satan)
Jews must read Isajah 53 to fully grasp the perfect plan G-D has worked out for them.
Here it is
Who believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression[a] and judgment he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was punished.[b]
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
he will see the light of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g]
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
The passage known as “Yeshayahu 53” actually begins at Yeshayahu 52:13 and includes the entire 53rd chapter of the Book of Yeshayahu. This passage speaks in detail of the life, suffering, and death of Moshiach. The overwhelmingly dominant Rabbinical view throughout history has been that this extended passage speaks of Moshiach. Therefore, the Rabbinical view of the Moshiach traditionally has included the understanding that the Moshiach would suffer and die as the ultimate kaparrah (atonement) for the sins of Ysrael and of the world. Rashi , toward the end of the 11th century, was the first to apply Yeshayahu 53 to the jewish people. Initially, he applied it to the Moshiach. (See Sanhedrin 93.) Only after the Crusades began did Rashi assert that the suffering servant was the jews. The majority of Rabbis rejected this view for the next 700 years but it is revived by the Zionist militants and their rabbis.
Who wants to visit Israel anymore when their government allows terrorists to infiltrate the country. What has happened to israel since Menachin began died?
The simplest solution would be for Israel to release a couple hundred pigs right before the March begins.
You would see all the demonstrators run away from the border fence as fast they could!
I don’t think they would run away. An orgy would ensue!
First comment: The pigs would be too disgusted with these two-legged Islamic rats and run away.
Second comment: The IDF Must preempt this unprecedented Hamas provocation – by any and every means available. Otherwise – a potential disaster will be 100% responsibility of the indecisive,
“Diaspora mentality” Israeli leadership !
Put up signs on the Border opposite these tent cities, stating it is in violation to cross the border illegally, and live-fire will be used on any trespassers.
Israel must show it is resisting all forms of terrorism and infiltration by others, who want to harm its Citizens and destroy the Country.
Shoot when they cross. hamas only understands violence.
It is a trick by Hamas and the other terrorists. Wait and see. There will be a surprise from these thugs and IDF better stops them now.
“border fence, and used diplomatic channels, mainly through Egypt and the UN, to caution Hamas to hold back any groups from coming close to the border. ”
Sounds like a FUD campaign.
Dont dare to come to the fence hence you might get shot. Trouth is we can not defend 68 km of border against a simultaneous attack.
This is what the article reads between the lines. If the IDF needs such FUD campaigns. It is better not to settle near the Gaza strip as advertised. IDF might not enough manpower to fight back at equal level which just leaves the option of weapons of mass destruction like using napalm cluster bombs or both from a helicopter against the masses of Gazans.
Not so nice.
But calling the reserve on duty while there is pessach is also nit nice at all.
Not that easy so best optionis to just postpone the arab protests:-)
Skunk spray will not work against fellow skunks – the ONLY solution is a skillful preempt: of which the IDF is perfectly capable ! The only item missing is the Decisiveness of the leadership. The Jewish state simply cannot afford another half-assed, inconclusive war !
skunkspray does not help as they like dirt
Any presence on the Israeli side to forestall actions at the border fence can be disrupted by snipers in stand-off positions. This might call for measures making conditions near the border untenable, such as noise generator at high/selected decibel ratings.
The problems inherent with Israeli border defense again point up the difficulties with fixed barriers against determined, mobile antagonists. Maginot Line memories? US Southern Border wall narrative? Seems useful to inflict serious pain in other Hamas venue convincing backers of this Israeli Border action to pull support and supply. Bushere? There are times when groping must be dealt with via robust groin kick….
Well well look what we have here…..gods chosen ones turning into oppressors…..from being the eternal poor little victims! Boy is this quite the spectacle.
Nothing quite like spinning off a genocide of unarmed Palestinian protesters as doing gods work! The Chutzpah runs high.
Is it any surprise why Palestinians might be upset when the whole game is rigged against them due to Anglo Zionist deception and imperialism? The Evangelical-Jewish squatter mafia wants its Armageddon and Holy War with Islam. And when it gets it, I hope it reaps all that it will sow.
I guess that you are very disappointed, Shlomo Shekelstein, that the Jewish people (who in your mind ought to be the victims of anyone who wants to kill them and overtake their one country) are strong today and that they defend their borders.
The Terrorstinians were warned in advance by the IDF that if they turn their “protest” into violence, as they always do and as was planned this time in advance by the Terrorstinians – complete with food depots to entice the terrorists to come in great numbers, storm the border and stay a while, that there would be repercussions.
Do you wonder why the UN does never issues proclamations against the aggression and terrorism and antisemitism that is at the heart of this conflict – a conflict which, by the way, is small in comparison to the Muslim-on-Muslim genocide taking place in Syria, Yemen, and other Arab countries; wiping out the minorities as well?
The UN does not give a shit about Muslims, Kurds or anyone – they care about damning Jews for defending their country which they sanctioned to have re-establish but now want to destroy as the UN has been overtaken by the OIC and the jealous Islamists and Leftists of the world.
Has anyone ever considered that with all the action above the ground that this might be a ruse to distract from something going on underground? The former Egyptians ruled by Hamas are a conniving and tricky bunch