Netanyahu and Hollande at the Grand Paris Synagogue

French officials say the Unity March against Islamist terror was the biggest rally Paris has ever seen with an estimated  2-3 million people taking part. President Francois Hollande, who led the march with world figures, joined Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on a visit to the Grand Synagogue to express condolences for the deaths of four Jews at the hands of a terrorist in a kosher store and solidarity with the French Jewish community. The victims: Yohan Cohen (22), Philippe Braham (40), François-Michel Saada (in his 60s) and Yoav Hattab (21) were shot in the early stages of the seven-hour standoff, which ended when police stormed the shop and killed the hostage taker, Amedy Coulibaly. The families of the four victims requested to have them buried  in Israel and Netanyahu promised to arrange this.

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