Netanyahu: Don’t eliminate the Iran nuclear deal, correct its flaws

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in London Thursday that he no longer calls for the Iran nuclear deal to be eliminated but rather for its flaws to be corrected. He spoke after meeting British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said she stood by the accord at the outset of their meeting at 10 Downing Street.  

They were also at odds on another issue: Netanyahu said: “One hundred years after Balfour, the Palestinians should finally accept a Jewish national home and finally accept a Jewish state. When they do, the road to peace will be closer and, in my opinion, peace will be achievable.” May replied that the UK was proud of its role in establishing the State of Israel, with respect to the Balfour Declaration,  but she sees the settlements as a barrier to peace and favors a two-state solution to the dispute..
Both prime ministers attend a gala dinner Thursday night to celebrate the centenary of the Balfour declaration. With Palestinian spokesman and demonstrators calling for the UK to apologize for the declaration, British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn chose not to attend the event.


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3 thoughts on “Netanyahu: Don’t eliminate the Iran nuclear deal, correct its flaws

  • Nov 2, 2017 @ 21:49 at 21:49

    Balfour remains for ever a great and sensible man, Big Ben Netanyahu too.
    But, somehow, a have a doubt we will soon see main streets or platza given their names in israelian territories like Gaza or Jerusalem.

  • Nov 3, 2017 @ 1:12 at 1:12

    I think you are off the point. important is only the growth of the Jewish population in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem and the decline of Arab population, relative to the Jewish and absolute. Gasa is not important at this time.

  • Nov 3, 2017 @ 18:57 at 18:57

    The most significant flaw in the “deal” is its failure to acknowledge and confront the collaboration between Iran and North Korea on missile and nuclear weapon development, which has been ongoing for more than a decade. Obama didn’t know what to do about it, and so, he simply pretended that it doesn’t exist. And, his Intelligence services and a compliant Mainstream Media dutifully were silent on it.
    But, what might an effective remedy be? When Netanyahu urgently warned Obama that Iran was on the verge of a breakthrough, and stressed the need for immediate preemptive action, Obama ridiculed him, citing US Intelligence reports that Iran wasn’t even close to a breakthrough. But, within days, Clapper, Obama’s Intelligence Chief, quietly reported that “Iran can make and use nuclear weapons, and it is too late to do anything to prevent that.”
    No big deal, according to the Mainstream Media. Clapper’s report didn’t even warrant headlines. Obama had promised, repeatedly, that he would never permit Iran to achieve a nuclear weapon capability. But now, Obama proudly announced that he was negotiating a “deal” with Iran that would prevent Iran from ever using the nuclear weapon capability that he had promised he would never permit Iran to have. The “deal” was based on Iran’s promise to not use its nuclear weapon capability. Obama never said why Iran’s promises were any better than his. Besides, even as the “deal” was being negotiated, the Ayatollah was promising to destroy Israel, and calling for “death to America”. But, Obama said not to worry, because “they don’t really mean what they say”.
    So, what is the remedy for all this? Mount major attacks on all of Iran’s nuclear and missile capability, until it is destroyed. What about North Korea’s capability. If Iran’s nuclear and missile capability was destroyed, North Korea might lose its enthusiasm for its nuclear program.


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