Netanyahu: The case against me was trumped up in a toxic investigation

PM Binyamin Netanyahu delivered his j’accuse outside the Jerusalem District Court minutes before the opening of his trial on Sunday, May 24, on three counts of corruption. Repeating the demand for live broadcast of the proceedings (which the court had already denied) “to prevent editorial distortions and censorship,” he also called for the publication verbatim of the investigation conducted against him. This would expose what he called the illegal practices of “intimidation and threats against witnesses’ families,” which were used to extract evidence against him. Failing to bring the “right down in election after election, Netanyahu, said, they resorted to foul methods “to remove the national camp from power” for years to come. “I go into court with a straight back and my head held high,” said Netanyahu, “because I know the people are with me and I’m not alone.”
Outside the court, several hundred flag-waving, shouting demonstrators showed their support for the prime minister, who arrived in court after the first cabinet meeting of the new unity government over which he presided. A large group of Likud ministers and lawmakers in face masks took seats in the public gallery.

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