North-South Korea summit takes place Friday
South Korean President Moon Jae-in will personally welcome Kim Jong-un at the border Friday morning, when he becomes the first North Korean leader to cross into the South since the Korean War ended in 1953. Their landmark meeting will focus on Kim’s terms for giving up nuclear weapons and set the scene for the forthcoming summit between US President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader. Trump has indicated that without substantial progress on this issue, he will walk out of the meeting.
Keep the US out of it.
Souds like Trump doesnt have much hope because the deep state doenst want it to work cause peace doesnt bring $$$ only war does lol
Same old style give false peace a chance then do what you planned…WAR.
Yep, a leopard never changes its spots…20 million people slaughtered in 37 victim nations through the US war machine – GLOBAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE!!!
Makes hitler look like Mr Bean lol
Thats excluding Libia and Syria lol