Pence talks in Cairo center on counterterrorism, broadened US-Egyptian ties

US Vice President Mike Pence and Egyptian President Abdel Fatteh-El-Sisi focused their two and-half hour conversation in Cairo Saturday on counterterrorism, defense and the rights of religious minorities throughout the Middle East. Before flying to Jordan for a brief visit, Pence told reporters that the administration is “firmly committed to restarting the peace process” between Israel and the Palestinians” and to “a status quo of holy sites around Jerusalem. Turning to his host the US leader said, ”,,,thanks to your leadership and the relationship that you and President Trump have forged, we believe the ties between Egypt and the United States have never been stronger” especially as they work together to fight terrorism in the region.

During his two-day visit to Israel, Pence will address the Knesset, visit Yad Vashem and pray at the Western Wall. Members of the Israeli Arab United list announce they will boycott his address to the House.

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