Rocket alarms in 7 districts next to Gaza

Rocket sirens sounded in seven locations next door to the Gaza Strip and central Negev Thursday afternoon. No details so far.

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4 thoughts on “Rocket alarms in 7 districts next to Gaza

  • Jul 19, 2018 @ 23:49 at 23:49

    were is liberman… Ill elimanate hamas when i get into power.. still waiting , to many dinners to attend

    • Jul 20, 2018 @ 2:21 at 2:21

      You’re attending dinners the wrong way!

      Waiting is for waiters…

      Be proactive, start mixing cocktails and throw your own party!

  • Jul 20, 2018 @ 10:36 at 10:36

    Seriously ask yourself and examine : have you ever heard something good and positive coming from the Palestinians? They live a suicidal life on purpose, to trick the World and beg for money and to squeeze out compassion.

    • Jul 20, 2018 @ 13:17 at 13:17

      Agricultural techniques in Palestine, especially in citrus-culture, were among the most advanced in the world long before the first Zionist settlers came to its shores.

      In 1856, the American consul in Jerusalem, Henry Gillman,“outlined reasons why orange growers in Florida would find it advantageous to adopt Palestinian techniques of grafting directly onto lemon trees.”^

      In 1893, the British Consul advised his government of the value of importing “young trees procured from Jaffa” to improve production in Australia and South Africa.

      As early as 1891 one of the first zionists, Asher Guinsberg (writing under
      the pseudonym Ahad Ha’am) “one of the people” visiting Palestine, gives this eye-witness account:
      “Abroad, we are used to believing that Eretz-Israel is today semi-desert, desert without cultivation. and that whoever wants to acquire land can come here and get as much as his heart desires. But the truth is nothing like this. In any part of the country, it is difficult to find uncultivated fields. The only uncultivated places are expanses of sand and stony mountains where only fruit trees can grow, and even then, only after a lot of heavy preparatory labor.”

      Source : Ahad Ha’arn. Complete Works (In Hebrew). Tel Aviv. Devir Publ. House and Jerusalem. The Hebrew Publishing House, 8th edition, p. 23. (Tel Aviv)

      In reality, before the zionists, the “bedouins” (in fact cereal growers) were exporting 30,000 tons of wheat per year; the area of Arab orchards tripled between 1921 and 1942, that of orange groves and other citrus fruit grew seven-fold between 1922 and 1947, production grew ten-fold between 1922 and 1938.

      If we just take the example of citrus fruit, The Peel Report, submitted to the British Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Colonies in July 1937, based on the rapid growth of orange groves in Palestine, estimated that for the 30 million crates of winter oranges by which the world consumption would rise in the following decade, the producing and exporting countries would be as follows :

      Palestine : 15 million

      United States : 7 million

      Spain : 5 million

      Other countries (Cyprus, Egypt, Algeria, etc.) : 3 million

      Source : “Peel Report”, chapter 8, º 19, p. 214

      fck off, lying jew bollocks


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