Six-member family of ISIS terrorists kills 13 in Indonesia
Three church bombings in Indonesia’s second city of Surabaya were carried out by a mother and two daughters, who blew themselves up in one church, while the father and two sons targeted two others. At least 13 people were killed and more than 40 injured. National police chief Tito Karnavian said the family belonged to an ISIS-inspired network, Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD), and were among hundreds of Indonesians who had returned from Syria.
Hey, we have never said “religion of PEACE”, listen attentively, we say “religion of PIECE” from the beginning.
We have the right to cut you in pieces, or blow you up in pieces, it is our rights from Allah.
Yes, you have a free will to make that choice, but Jesus Christ will judge all humanity at the great white throne of judgement for every choice we have made.
I choose His peace now so I will not spend eternity in “pieces,” in a place of permanent damnation and torment.
I pray the Blood of Jesus Christ be applied to your mind, body and spirit.
and you support the genocidal Zionist state entity, the lawless one?
‘And he shall be animated by the fear of the Lord, and neither with the sight of his eyes shall he judge, nor with the hearing of his ears shall he chastise.’
you the muslim pigs are genocidal everywhere
Now you know why Obama gave hundreds of billions to shia terrorism leader iran.