Iraqi protest toll rises to 104 dead, 6,000 injured
On Sunday, the sixth day of the wave of protests sweeping across Iraq, 104 dead and up to 6,000 injured were counted. DEBKAfile reports that Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) have set up a situation room in Baghdad to exercise control over the turbulence. One of its first directives was to shut down certain Iraqi TV stations. This is the first Iranian military body allowed openly to occupy a position of responsibility in the Iraqi capital.
Why does anyone even call it Iraq anymore? Call it what it is…part of Iran now.
former us army vet
Well of cause LARRY thats the MOSSAD PLAN, the intention has ALWAYS BEEN TO BALKANIZATION THE MIDDLE EAST. How else will Israel be safe and how else will you achieve GREATER ISRAEL? This has been the PUBLSHED PLAN FROM THE 1980’S.
so now according to you Sadr and the Mossad got together in order to expand the Israeli territory.
You must be a genius to figure that out. they say there is a fine line separating madness from genius. I wonder which side you are on!
“Iraqi protest toll rises to 104 dead, 6,000 injured” If this was Israel the EU would be screaming and crying at the tops of their lungs! not a pee from them. If Israel were to defend herself and cause this kind of loss of life the UN would be having overnight meetings screaming and yelling about this.
Even when Israel attacks the enemy bases they just destroy materials and the loss of life is minimized.